Here I will list what I believe to be the most important network marketing tips. These tips are aimed at any new network marketer starting out but also those who need guidance.
Setting your goals early on and remembering "Why" you got into network marketing in the first place is very important for driving your business. Set short and long term goals/targets, short term goals are in reach and seem more achievable but also have a longer term 1-2 year goal. Once these are achieved re-set your goals for new ones. Make those closest to you aware of your goal/targets so they can help remind you of where you want to be.
Hobbies cost money, your business should make you money. Take it serious and give your business the time and commitment it deserves. Set aside a certain number of hours per week to work your business. Be your own worst boss and ask yourself "would I hire or fire me, based on what I did today"
We can all become better network marketers, you should never stand still, always strive to become better and obtain more skills. One of the best network marketing tips I got from my sponsor is to turn your car into a mobile mlm library with cd's, driving can be pretty mundane so why not use this time to listen to Jim Rohn or someone similar. Read books and watch dvd's. Do on-line courses or go to seminars, there are so many ways to improve your skill set in this industry. When you start improving yourself you can teach your team how to do the same and pass on your knowledge. See the personal development page of this site for more info.
You will bump into rejection, how you handle that rejection is very important. Most people in mlm get to this first hurdle and run a mile because of the fear of getting rejected again. One of the best network marketing tips I heard was treat it as a number, you are one closer sponsoring a new member. If you can do this then the fear of rejection is overcome and you plough through onto the next person. Learning how to handle objections will ultimately lead to a lot less rejection. An objection comes about really because you have not covered a persons concerns or met some of their demands.
Keep a diary, either paper or electronic. It is very important to have a record of all the people you have spoken to about your business and what was spoken about. This was you can follow up with that person in future and relate back to what was said previously. Keep profiles of your customers also, what they buy and what frequency they buy at, this way you can up sell and offer new products as you know what they like. Block out time for your business in your diary so it is set, time for meetings, presentations or doing your on-line side of the business should be scheduled.
The above five tips are a good starting point to get your business moving. There are so many others but they would be far too numerous to list here.
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